For the last 15 years my family (aunts uncles, cousins included) has been renting beach houses together and spending a week in the sunshine just enjoying this beautiful life. We just got back from Laguna a few days ago and it was so necessary for my little fam. Spending time together connecting outside of the stresses that come from daily life felt so good. It felt so good to be sandy and messy and just forget about life outside of that moment with my babies. I swam with the kids, built sand castles, took naps on the sand, dated my sweet hubs and just lived. We made lasting memories together and the big kids can’t stop taking about “next summer” and talking to their cousins all day like they are actually here!
Now I’ve just gotta come up with some sort of genius plan to get Jeremy out of his job and home with us all the time! Any ideas?! Haha
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